Monday 22 August 2011

later circumstances.

As for the week that has just past i had my children visiting me for a few days.
They were very happy to see me and it was interesting for me to see how i was being self-honest when being with them and also how i would implement the whole one and equal practice.

I have noticed that when they don't listen to me and keep on hurting each other or trying to manipulate me in order for them to get something from me or so, and when they don't stop no matter what i say, that i was becoming a little angry, but when i notice myself going to get angry i just breathe and stay here in the moment and let it go.

I must say that doing this with my children is a hard work, because my children are very active, especially my son. He is active and wants to go on like

So as i decided that i was going to ask them that they have a choice and can call me like they want, they can call me by my name or they can continue calling me like they do now.
I explained to my daughter, she is 11 years old and can understand some more things, not very good, but she does understand more things, but my son who is 5 years old doesn't understand these things. He asked me but you are my dad, right...?? I said; yes.!! and then he said; so then i will call you ''papa'' because you are my dad, you are my father right..??

So i left it to that, it is their choice to in the matter. And i did use some words like ''manipulation'' with them, and explaining to them what that means, and when it is that someone is manipulating and they seem to get it, they understand it. Especially when they were trying to manipulate me in order to get something from me, and they do this allot, i would then immediately let them know that they are doing it, so they can see it to. The only sad part in all this matter is that i am not able to be with them all the time, in order to work with them on all these points together, children are great to work with, because they show you very clear where it is your not paying attention within yourself. So it is sad for me and sad for them, because with their mother they won't be able to learn these things, because the mother is very much brainwashed in the ways of this system, and this is not a blame, it is just how things are, this is the way we all are, what i mean with this sentence is, that she is not someone who is willing to see, understand and realize that she have to change herself within this world for things to change for herself and her children, she will continue doing her everyday things she does and that's it.

 Like for instance what most parents do, is they tell the children that if they do something ''good'' or their ''homework'' or whatever they will get something, a reward. Now this may look very innocent but it is not, because it is the parent manipulating the child to do something in order to get something out of him/her. Get him/her to do what the parent wants. And most parents when you tell them this, they will say: '' no it is just so they can know that in order to get something in this world you need to do something for it'' Now that is half of the truth, but the way they do it and the other reason behind it, and  that even the parents don't see, is just because they want the child to succeed in whatever they are wishing for their child.

Let me give an example:

Lets say the child is not doing well in school and you are going to tell the child, that if he/she raise his/her grades he/she is going to afterwards, gonna get to choose something fun he/she wants to do and then you give the child some so-called choices in what it is you are going to give him/her. Maybe go to the movies, or buy a toy that he/she wanted or whatever. Now the moment you do this, you are fucking the child up, why...??  Because you are teaching him/her how to manipulate,and you will use the words written in the paragraph above to justify your manipulation because that justification is half of the whole thing, the other half you will leave out, and even when it is pointed out to you, you will still defend yourself using only that one half as if that is the only reason, and only outcome, when it is obviously not. And i know the other half is hard to see if you are not being self-honest, and are not acting and behaving in a way that is best for all.

When i brought the children to their mother in Amsterdam, i talked to her about these points and she brought the thing up exactly what most already know, the point of respect, this is when i told her that i asked the children if it would be o.k. to call me by name or what they already are calling me, but was not of their own choice, but was forced so to speak in a gentle way, programmed into them. And i asked her, if that is equality if i as a parent drill something in my child without he/she having any choice in the matter whatsoever and decide to before hand that, that would be the point of the so-called: ''respect'' towards me the parent later on in his/her life is going to use against the child. But i as the parent will justify it saying : '' it is just a sweat calling name'' 

So the point of respect is the whole thing, but this respect thing is something the parent have a problem with and not the child, because the child is innocent and to him/her a name is just a name. It is who you are within your actions is what is important and not so much what you say. this point is a difficult point to see, when you are brainwashed from early on to accept everything without questioning and especially when it comes to the point of what you are doing is best for all or not...?? This is not the way any of us was raised, we were all raised in a way to always do what is best for yourself, never for the whole group. And with the whole group i mean: ''humanity''

No-one was brought-up with those principles lived as an example, to care for all as you would care for your so-called loved ones and yourself..??

I could see that my ex. was not paying attention to what i was saying, and i know why to. She thinks/believe that the thing i am saying are things i believe in, they are my believes, when they are not, she still can't understand that i don't live in believes anymore, but in what is HERE and using common sense to see just that, what is HERE and work with that into a best possible way not harming anyone or anything in my participation in this world. In other words, just be physical..! Now this sounds very easy, but it is not, and the only difficult part about it is; '' we have lived to much in our minds alone, and getting out of it, is the problem and making it seem difficult''


Larry Manuela


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