Saturday 19 November 2011

Loke ta mihor pa tur.

Lagami sali bisa, ku loke ta mihor pa tur, ta e punto di mas haltu di bondat ku por èxsiti.

Nos a biba y ta bibando semper hasiendo loke ta mihor pa nos mes so, nunka nos no a biba riba e mundu aki hasiendo loke ta mihor pa tur.
Tur nos lèinan, tur nos reglanan, tur nos systemanan, tur ta reflegá loke ku semper nos a sali ta biba for di den kuminsamentu  lokual ta; ' loke ta mihor pami so'

Ta pesèi ami a join e grupo ku jama desteni, e uniko grupo ku di bèrdat ta hasiendo tur dia riba un nivel praktiko pa trese den e mundu aki, loke ta mihor pa unu y tur, loke ta mihor pa tur bida. Y djis pasobra nos ta hasiendo esaki, y ku tur hende ta mal di ''brainwashed'' tur ta rechasá e lokenan nos ta trese dilanti ku ta nada otro ku loke ta sentido komun. Si bo no ta hasiendo uso di bo sentido komun, ta bira hopi difisil pabo kompronde y realisa, kiko nos ta papiando di dje.

Tur loke nos ta hasiendo diariamente, ta éxposá loke ta pasando den e mundu en general y tambe den e mundu paden di nos mes,e mundu kaminda nos tin nos sekretonan. Y manera nos mes ta mira kaba y bini ta experensiando, ta ku e mensage di '' loke ta mihor pa tur'' ta masha difisil mes pa esunan ku ta drumí y ku ta mal di ''brainwashed'' ku nan no por tende loke ta wòrdu bisá, pasobra e ta kompletamente kontra loke nan a bin ta akspepta y tuma komo: ''asina bida ta.'' lokual ku ta kompletamente fabriká.

Den desteni nos ta husa algun hèrmènt pa jega na un punto di auto- realisashon, asina ku di e manera aki bo aktua semper den auto-honestidat y di un manera ku semper ta reflegá loke ta: '' MIHOR PA TUR..!!!''

E hèrmèntnan ta e puntonan aki:

1) skirbi bo mes liber
2) auto-pèrdon
3) auto-honestidat
4) auto-korekshon di akshonan
5) sentido komun
6) Rosea

Pa áklará e punto nan ariba menshoná, mi ta bai amplia un poko mas riba kada punto ja bo por haña un bista mas klaro di loke kada punto ta trese kuné den e konteksto fysiko praktikamente.


Auto-pèrdon ta nifiká ku bo ta trese tur loke ku ta bon òf malu, ku ta robes òf drechi, ku ta negativo òf positivo  tur aki den bo, komo bo mes y pèrdoná nan tur komo bo mes. Awor dikon lo bo ta puntra ku bo tin ku pèrdoná tur esakinan..??

Dor di e simpel echo ku bo mente ta funkshoná ábase di e tres puntonan aki.

Bo mente tin komo fundeshi e tres puntonan aki, ku e ta husa pa asina generá energia pa e por èxsisti, y e energia ku e ta generá aki ta bo KURPA ta produsiele. Ta pesèi kada bes kubo partisipá den polaridat, bo ta hasiendo uso di bo mente òf mihor bisá bo mente ta kompletamente den kontròl.Tur esaki ta dor kubo mente mes riba su mes ta un systema energetiko y energia NO ta BIDA..!!!

Lagami buta e puntonan di polaridat ku e mente ta husa pa generá energia pa e ta mas klaro pabo.

1) bon ku malu
2) robes ku drechi
3) positivo ku negativo

Tur e loke nan ta: '' malu/robes/negativo'' ta mará ku loke bo ta jama: ''emoshon''
Tur loke nan ta: '' bon/drechi/positivo'' ta mará ku loke bo ta jama: '' sintimentu''

Y e mente ta bula di un p'e otro kada bes den esaki nan.

Awor paga bon tinú y wak den e mundu aki, ku ta eksaktamente ta e kosnan ku tur hende ta hasiendo, unda ku bo bira. rònt mundu. Anto dor di lokenan a wòrdú siñá for di esunan ku tabata prome kubo aki riba e mundu aki, nan a siñabo semper wak pabo hasi loke ta: '' bon, drechi y positivo'' y wak pabo den tur momentu purba mas tantu posibel di no hasi lokenan ta: '' malu, robes y negativo''

Pero den tur esaki, kiko loke ta pasa ta, kubo no a paga tinu riba dje, kubo ta purbando di kore for di algu ku ta pèrtenesé na y ku otro. Pues e tres puntonan ariba menshoná bo no por tin unu sin e otro. Ta pesèi si bo paga bon tinu den e mundu aki bo ta mira ku majoria biaha, loke nan kubo ta hasi ku segun bo ta positivo tin un áfekto negativo pa otronan den e mundu aki. Tur esaki ta dor ku nos no ta paga tinu òf tene konsiderashon ku tur otro kos, nos ta kompletamente ta hasi loke ta mihor pa nos so semper, loke ta wòrdu jamá: '' egoismo''

Pa esaki ta bon kla, mi tin ku duna un ehèmpel.

Laga nos bisa kubo kier ta un mijonario den e mundu aki y bo ta hasiendo tur loke ta na bo alkanse pa bo jega na bo meta final ku ta: '' ta un mijonario.'' Awor segun bo, bo ta hasiendo algu positvo, ku lo tin un punto di kulminashon ku lo ta positivo y bon PABO. Pero ora bo bai wak kon sèn ta wòrdu kreá den e mundu aki y kon nos tur ta tratando diariamente ku sèn, bo lo ripara ku pa un hende so haña mas y mas sèn hopi otro hende tin ku tin menos sèn y tin ku te hasta lo NO tin sèn mes mas pa biba den e mundu aki, anto di e manera aki, bo manera ku segun bo tabata y ta masha positivo ta resultando den realidat kompletamente negativo pa otro hende y no hende so tampoko, sino otro sernan tambe nan bida. No lubida ku nos ta sosteniendo y duna balor na un systema di DEBE, ku nos tin ku keda debe otro pa nos por trata nos miedu ku nos mes a krea huntu ora ta trata nos sobrebibensha riba e mundu aki, ku ta totalmente ínesesario. Tur loke nos mester a hasi ta, wak e mihor manera posibel pa destribuí loke ku nos tur mester pa biba riba e mundu aki di un manera digno. E kosnan aki ta e kosnan basiko ku bo kurpa mester di dje pa e por sobrebibí den e mundu aki.( kuminda, bibienda, paña drechi y limpi, kuido mediko, edukashon) pero nò, par di idiot mester a bini ku un systema di abuso, un systema di sin bèrguenseria y totalmente ímoral y sin ningun rèspèt di ningun manera pa BIDA den su totalidat. E systema aktual di DEBE ta kompletamente KONTRA bida, NO ta karga bida di ningun manera, sino abusando so di dje den tur forma, y ta esaki nos ta kontribuí diariamente na ne, kubo ta pèrtenesé na esunan ku tin of esunan ku NO tin ketubai tur ta konsekuensianan di e systema aktual.

Anto pa dunabo un par di ehèmpel kon pa skirbi bo auto-pèrdonan ta lo sigiente:

Mi ta pèrdona mi mes kumi a akspeta y tuma, ku mi ta kere kumi mente ta real.
Mi ta pèrdona mi mes kumi a aksepta y tuma, ku ta kere ku bida ta nifika; kumi ta pensa, kumi tin sintimentu y kumi tin emoshonan ta pesèi mi ta bibu.
Mi ta pèrdona mi mes kumi a aksepta y tuma, kumi tin ku biba den un mundu ku ami y tur otro huntu ta askepta ku ta nos '' naturalesa.'' manera nos ta aksepta y tumele den e systema di polaridat.
Mi ta pèrdona mi mes kumi a askspeta y tuma, ku mi ta kere ku tin un ser ku jama dios ku ta pafó di mi mes y ku ta mas kumi y ku ta te hasta mas ku bida, un ser superior, enbes di realisa y mira y kompronde kumi ta AKI komo BIDA semper.

Asina ki bo por sigi kubo auto-pèrdon nan.

Skirbi bo mes liber

Ku esaki bo ta buta riba papel tur loke ku ta den bo mente ja bo por mira klaramente den e mundu fysiko kiko ta tur e kosnan ku ta biba den bo y ku ta wòrdu projektá di e manera aki den e mundu pafó, e mundu en general. Anto hasiendo esaki e ora èi bo por hasi bo auto-pèrdon ku e kosnan kubo a skirbi riba papel ku ta biba den bo sea bon òf malu, robes òf drechi, negativo òf positivo, tur loke bo tin komo idea, tur bo pensamentunan y sintimentunan y emoshon nan.


Ku esaki saliendo for di loke bo a skirbi bo ta sòru semper bo skirbi di bèrdat tur loke ta den bo,honestamente sin laga nada afó. Pues bo ta sòru kubo ta honesto kubo mes, pabo mira ken bo ta di bèrdat y asina pèrdoná tur esakinan ku di bèrdat NO ta BIDA.

Auto-korekshon di akshon

Esaki ta un punto hopi importante, pasobra pèrdoná bo mes no ta sufisiente, bo tin ku bai awor ora kubo a kaba di pèrdoná bo mes sòru pabo biba den reaidat, den e mundu fysiko tur e lokenan kubo a pèrdona bo mes di dje, e auto-pèrdon ta funkshoná komo un systema di DELETE. Pero e delete ta di bèrdat tuma lugá ora kubo bibé. Esaki ta e punto di mas difisil ku tin pa kada hende den e mundu aki, pero no imposibel.

Sentido komun

Esaki ta ora kubo ta mira direktamente/den aktualidat/defakto, kiko ta pasando den bo y den e mundu en general y ku no ta loke ta mihor pa unu y tur, pa bida en general, loke nos ta jama: '' unidat y igualdat''

Lagami duna un ehèmpel simpel pa tur por kompronde kiko mi kiermen ku esaki.

Nos tur ta mira ku tin gera den e mundu aki,y nos tur sa ku gera ta mata hende y no hende so sino tambe bestianan y matanan y destruí infrastruktura. Pero manera bo mes ta mira nos tur, kada unu ta aksepta y tuma e kos aki, y tur ta bisa ku no ta ami su falta, pasobra no ta ami ta den gera òf a ínstiga pa tin gera, no ta ami su responsabilididat, kaminda ku di bèrdat ta nos tur huntu su responsabilidat, pa esaki nan no sosode nunka di ningun manera. Ta ora kubo ta biba den separashon den bo mente so bo por tin miedu y kubo ta kere kubo tin algu di defende. Kompletamente un lokura di marka majó.


Rosea ta e punto tambe di hopi importansha. Bo por imaginá ku awor nos tin ku bai siña kon pa hala rosea, kon pa ta unu y igual ku kada rosea kubo hala....??  Paga bon tinu y lo bo mira kon bo no ta konsiente di ningun  manera di kada rosea kubo ta hala y no lubida ku rosea den bo buki a wòrdu jamá: ''rosea di bida''

Anto rosea di bida no ta óksigeno, óksigeno ta loke e mundu aki ta produsí pa tur e expreshonan por tin e posibilidat di hala e rosea di bida aki.

Y pa trein esaki mi ta duna un ehèmpel kon bo por kuminsa y hasi esaki pa 21 dia largu y bo lo wak kon difisil ta pabo ta unu ku bo rosea ku ta bida.

Bo ta hala rosea aden y hasiendo esaki bo ta konta 1, 2, 3 y e di kuater biaha bo ta wanta bo rosea 1, 2, 3 y di kuater biaha y esaki nos ta jama e momentu infinito, y den e momentu infinito aki si algu move den bo, bo ta sòru pabo pèrdoná bo mes esaki, e por ta kiko ku ta, un pensamentu, un imagen, un zonido den bo mente, un emoshon, un sintimentu, tur kos ku bini ariba bo ta pèrdona bo mes esaki. Depues bo ta konta atrobe 1, 2, 3  y di kuater biaha bo ta supla rosea afó y den e suplamentu aki di rosea afó bo ta sakando ku e rosea di bida tur e lokenan ku no ta pèrtenesé den bo, ku no ta trata ku bida, ku ta unu y igual ku bida, komo bo rosea, algu kubo semper a nigleshá y no paga tinu di ningu manera riba dje y ku ta algu asina simpel. Y despues di e halamentu di rosea afó bo ta konta atrobe e momentu di ''pauze'' ku ta atrobe 1,2,3 y di kuater biaha bo ta bolbe kuminsa na kuminsamentu kaminda bo ta hala rosea aden kubo konteó di 1,2,3 y kuater etc etc............Ora bo paga bon tinu lo bo mira kubo no por pensa ora kubo ta unu y igual kubo rosea., pero tòg bo por funkshona. Anto e dia ei lo bo haña sa kubo mente ta real si òf no. Y lo bo haña sa, kubo mente ta un SYSTEMA. Ku nos ta jama den desteni: ''mind consciousness system''

Mi ta spera ku esaki lo ta klaro pabo y si bo tin algun pregunta tokante esakinan, lagami sa.

Y si bo kier sa mas di loke nos grupo ta hasiendo, bo por sigi nos riba e sigiente wèbsite nan:

Y si bo ta haña ku ta asina difisil pabo ta toka parti di e solushon personal plus e solushon pa humanidat bo por sikiera steun nos research na:       aki bo  por kumpra algun produkto ku nos ta produsí y ku ta juda nos pa trese den e mundu aki, un mundu nobo kaminda loke ta mihor pa tur ta un realidat pa un y tur semper. Y no lubida, ku loke ta mihor pa tur, ta mihor pabo tambe, pasobra bo tambe ta parti di e ''tur'' ku nos ta papia di dje aki, ku den e kaso aki ta HUMANIDAT.


Larry Manuela

Saturday 22 October 2011

Love in relationships.

As you all can see in this world, there is this whole attention given to this love idea.

Everybody is given love idea a great support, but understand that each are in themselves participating in a different level of love. What do i mean with this..??

Lets say you are in a relationship with someone, and you are telling each other that you love each other so much and all the bullshit the goes with it. But both of you do not know in fact what is going on within the other, you are both believing that the other is loving you, like you are loving him/her. And understand to that, both of you are linking love to a feeling, a good feeling, so as long as you can make each other feel good about each other everything will look very lovely, isn't it...??

I am going to give you an example so you can see more clearly that, that which you are saying to each other, is all created within each what they are talking about and what they are feeling.

This is the sentence that most use in this world to express(voice-out) the so-called  love for one another:

'' I love you ''  Now this sentence is implying that you can love another person in fact. What i wrote here is right now very difficult for you to see/understand/realize, because you are very extensively brainwashed to and as this word ''love'' to be something to say or feel for another that is accepted as ''good.''

What i am going to show you, so it can become more clear for you to see what i am saying is that i am going to remove the word ''love'' in the sentence above and replace it with the word ''feel.''  o.k...??

So lets see how it would look like now: '' i feel you ''  Now is this possible in this reality in fact to feel someone else...??  You can only feel something about another person, but you cannot feel the person in fact, for real, and with this i mean have the feeling of what is going on within the other person and experience this feeling as your own. This doesn't happen in this reality, the physical reality. Now like this, it is very easy for you  to see that this is not real, you cannot feel someone else in fact. But now the moment i replace again the word feel with the word love,it becomes like very difficult for you to see/understand/realize that the outcome is the same. Can you see this....?? Meaning you cannot love another person in fact...!!!

So now, when i say: '' you cannot love another person in fact'' you will react to this immediately, because you are programmed to give this word love much, much more value than life itself. You will immediately say: '' how dare you to tell me that i don't love my children, my wife, my husband, my mother, my father, my siblings and so forth and forth.......

What is really going on within you is just you creating and fueling this ''good feeling'' that you call love inside you about another person. And this person MUST have some points that you have come to accept as things that you would consider lovely so you can than love this person, which was all influential learning or copying.  If your love was real, it would have been the same for every single human being and other expressions in this reality, you would have not been going through a little love here and a lot of love there.You would not have had special people in your life.It would all be the same, because love would be an expression that all are expressing equally. So as long as there are different levels of the so-called love, what you term love will never be real. And how can love be real if it is not an expression, but falls in the category of experience and feeling, which is not as one as equal with and as life...??? And how can it be real if it is the opposite of hate, which is a polarity, separation. Life is not a polarity, it is everything, all inclusive. It is than in separation to what you believe you are, you are not equal and one with the definition you have of what love means, you are not living it, if you were living it for real, in fact you would not be looking for people to love you and for you to love other people, it would be who you are, you know, like breathing, normal things you do. You would than be a walking physical love expression as a human being.

So you see, look at the earth, the earth is one big organism that as this one big organism that is made out of zillions of little particles that make up the world as it exists. Now all those particles work together in unison, as a whole so earth can have it's expression as earth. Now the same applies for every other thing and form from the earth to. Like a tree, an animal, a stone, clouds, mountains, rivers, plants, microbes, bugs......etc etc.......all those expressions on their own as one expression is a coming together of many other single expressions of life, can you see this, is it clear..?? So your human body as a whole, as a complete functional human body is a totality of individual expressions of life working together to maintain and support and assist this one individual human body made out of many individual bodies.  Now this is LOVE. Every part of your body have equal value and worth as all the other parts, otherwise your body will not work properly. Your brain has no more value than your nail. the same goes for your hair vs your eyes. Every thing you can name on your body as parts, are equally valuable as the body that you are.

So what we have come to accept and allow about ourselves and call it life is not what your body itself is expressing as a physical expression of multitudes of individual expressions coming together to express even more, it's like a fest of expressions, all in harmony. Have a look at your world and see/understand/realize that you as a human being, and i am talking to you the EGO now, you are not reflecting the expression of the totality of what you are as a human physical body and not this alone but also as the other expressions, you are against this wholeness..!!

Time to birth yourself to this group where the fest of expressions is not harmed by you the EGO.

Join us at:   and  and


Larry Manuela

Saturday 8 October 2011

My great obstacle.

It is is 10:40 in the morning on this side of the earth, i am in Europe, in Holland specifically and i woke up like almost 4 hours ago, and what am i doing right now...??

Most of my days goes like this, i wake up and  immediately start my laptop and i go on facebook and youtube and i look at what destonians are placing in the context of what they are writing or vlogging and also some cool ''wake-up call presentation pictures'' that are being placed by them or sometimes also by other friends on facebook. The pictures and presentations i look into that are exposing our accepted and allowed nature very clearly i share them to on my profile.

Usually when i wake-up, i wake-up with a hard dick because i have to pee, and because of me when i was in my deep meditation a.k.a. ( sleep) i was far away removed form my own body, so my body after long periods of time will wake me up with a hard dick and a painful bladder, that it is time to let the shit out, because he has done the great work, and can't hold the shit anymore, so please do wake-up....!!!

Now here is an interesting thing:

Just because, and remember, that what i am about to say here is about my dick being hard===== so just because my dick is hard, my mind immediately kick in and relate this with the experience of me wanting the need for some sexual pictures and thoughts, because the mind is used to: ''dick getting hard= sex must happen in whatever form, and is a great way to suck some energy.''

And when all this happens i become horny, can you imagine this shit......being horny without really in the first place having any need for sexual intercourse or whatever, it is just because my dick is hard so my mind interprets that i need sex now.

Now those of you whom are reading this, bear with me here for a moment, because i have found within me that i am a really horny fucker, and i am placing this here, because i know i am not alone in this stupid behavioral expression, but will be in the future writing more on this subject, because it is one of my most difficult barriers that i have accepted and allowed to be as the '' who i am'' in this world.
So within this, within stopping myself as this personality i have created and accepted and allowed myself to be as, and within this world i am then showing the way and that it can be stopped for those whom believe that you can't and that it is difficult. It may be, and i can tell you all about that, but it is ''going through it'', ''facing it'', that is what is important, to treat yourself as guinea pig, but of course not overriding yourself, be gentle with yourself and breathe in the moments you are starting to see yourself going into full gear and start to let yourself go into the participation of mind-fucking yourself.

So i am going to be very to the point here, and will not hide words, because it is time to face myself in placing the ''who i am as myself as of right now in the world.''

Because all those fears of embarrassments and guilt and you name it, are all points within me that i have to face, in order for me to let go of those feelings and emotions and thoughts that pin me, or better said: that i let myself be pinned down with.

So i am going to place some perspectives on all the points i can remember that made me who i am today.

As a very small kid, and as long as i can remember i was always sensing sexuality in a sense, but it was not what it is right now, it looked then as something unknown and that needed to be explored, need to be looked at and experience what it might be. So anyways, there was this event with an neighbor kid, a female, that changed in one way or another my whole programming about this sex drive of mine.

We were playing, and this girl said: ''why not let us play, father and mother.??'' In saying this she said father and mothers do certain things, and this is one of those things they do. Before i continue i must say here that this girl was older then me and the rest, she was already like 13 or 14 and i was 11 going to 12 something like that, but this girl was always into boys, and i think that she might have had sex already at that age, and maybe her curiosity was triggered to by seeing her mother and father having sex without them knowing it. But it doesn't really matter, what happened is what is the root of the story. So she laid down in a carton box that we were playing with and she open her legs and she said, you have to take your thing, and place it here and she pointed to her vagina and she said there is where you should put it in. Now understand, we were kids, and sex is not something that goes into your mind, it is not important. But yet i find myself having a hard dick and she said yes, now that is good you put inside me now, so i did.

What did i feel to tell you the truth, i felt something that one could term '' nice feeling'' on the physical level of course, but it was not like having sex right now, it was just like something i had to do, because she wanted it and my little dick was hard and i could not understand that either. I could not understand why my dick was getting harder at the view of her opening her legs and telling me to go in there....??? And it didn't last that long, because it was like we were playing this game and that is it, but yet that event changed my whole experience of what i will become as expressing myself sexually. ooh yes and i didn't cum either, for those who want to

Suddenly i started to noticed that girls were like easy when it comes to making them, or let me say it like, manipulating them into making them believe using words how easy it is to get someone horny, but just using words and making them having pictures in their minds.

Now this is something that i was very good at, and still i am very good at this stuff. But am i proud of that...??  Of course not...!! because i am manipulating the girls using words to make them have pictures in their minds in order for me to get them into bed, into having sex with me. I realized as i said at very young age, even though i could not understand it all the way, how that really works, but that i could do it, and i was fascinated by this thing, i mean.........i was reading books on woman, on all their sexual points important on their bodies and a lot of stuff, i was asking and talking to lesbians, because i found that most of the cases i can see that they are more sensual in the sexual expression, and i found that very powerful, so i had few friends who were lesbians and also i would watch movies and read books where these things are very well explained, all of this bullshit is just in order for me to be the best i could be when i am having sex. At that stage i was more focused on how the girl/woman would express herself, and i had/have this what they call: ''kick.''  To me sex is not sex if the woman i am with is not totally wet, and totally letting herself go, totally willing. So that was my soul purpose when engaging in sexual intercourse. Because if  a woman reach this stage when we are together, i will also experience a more deep sexual experience. For myself i was like always already 100 % horny so it doesn't take much. And i already know as many already know nowadays, that it takes a woman much more time to  reach an orgasm then man. But to me it was more then the orgasm, it was about how she becomes when she is fully free as herself in her expression of sexuality. So i take my time with each i have been with to explore her total body to see, where else is there  left behind, a little spot that has to be dealt with and get that gear more moist and moving faster. And this to me was and still is the most fascinating thing ever, just a woman getting fully aroused, i see it as so powerful, the sexual expression of a woman

I mean i could talk to a woman, one that likes me of course and make her very horny by using words and manipulate her so much so, that she won't be able to resist maybe masturbating or wanting to take all on
So this is what i was doing most of my teenage years and most of my adult years to up to now. I was 100 % sure of myself that when a girl or a woman likes me and i get to talk ''dirty'' as they say with them or lead them into thoughts of sexuality, that i will succeed. That was what i was good at, can you imagine this shit, to have a talent like this...??? What is the purpose of this talent, i can't use it to bring equality into this world, because it would be to seduce others, and this is manipulative and abusive to myself and the women i will be seducing. So i have to stop myself and remove myself for accepting and allowing myself to be as this so called ''talent'' i have in relation to sex with woman.

now this is more like an introduction here, but i will go into more details on what specifically i am saying and sometimes say or write to woman so you can have an overall view on what the heck i am talking about, and that would be the only thing i can find to assist and support others that are like me, but will not dare talk about it because of fear of all kinds, so i will stand within  and as my own fear so you can embrace yours, i will go through the public humiliation so to speak for to you to see, how it is to walk your talk. Because this is something people are very afraid to talk about, in the open, it is always a secret, like they have with their salaries, nobody wants to tell you how much they make, it's always a secret, so is sex, everyone is doing it, but to talk about it, i mean to really talk about what your doing when you are doing it, and why and all that stuff is being left out, because of fear, so i will take that fear here with you, as an example, and layout my progress in working on what is to me my most difficult part in this process, remember i am 38 years old right now, so it means i have build myself like this for 38 fucking years, so it will take hard work for me to put this point down as myself in my process of letting all that is not for what is best for all go, because it is not needed and what is not best for all only harms and destroy expressions of life.

So you guys will be hearing more of me on this subject that is my life, and in a way that you are not used to, because you are afraid of saying it as it is and how your doing it, but i am not, i pass that already in this process, so i am not afraid for the thoughts of others, of what they might think of my sexual


Larry Manuela

Saturday 1 October 2011

conversation with someone...

As of yesterday i have been chatting with someone on facbook, and this person has an profile that is called:'' Bonaire en de Dollar''

I will be placing the whole conversation here so all can see what we are talking about.

    • Bon nochi Larry, I looked briefly into the Equal Money System. Looks like communism. We all know that utopy didn't work. The once who ruled / made the laws where the once who were sipping champagne and eating caviar everynight whilst the people were eating BORSCHT. Aslong as there are people their will be a UNequality in the world, simply because they're PEOPLE. You see this hand underneath it has 5 fingers, they are all fingers so equal to each other as FINGERS, but they are also all DIFFERENT and that my friend is reality. Saludo for di Boneiru.
  • Larry Alexander Manuela
    • Bondia of bonochi.

      I don't know again if you have received my message i sent you before..?? But i can assure you that equal money system is not like communism and we may have some very few principles that look like that within this system, but when it comes to HOW we are going to implement this system into this world, is not going to go through revolution as it was always with the communistic peoples. We already know that the world is going to go through very difficult times ahead, and that allot of people all over the planet are going to be very poor and we present them with this world solution, what do you think they are going to vote for...?? We are right now studying every field in this system and exposing it to all to show them that none are working,thus on all levels, everywhere there is abuse on life, and when the time comes those who are going to defend this system of abuse as it exist right now will have nothing to defend themselves with because we will be covering all grounds on all fields, all the major and top positions that are right now been used to protect the system as it is right now. They just can't defend it no matter how hard they try, and we will be ready to debate with them on all levels. The equal money system value will be based on LIFE itself and each human being on this earth will be given a certain amount of money from the moment of conception and the amount of this money will be enough for each to use for the basic needs of any human being, which are: food, shelter, clothing and healthcare. Education will be free, and each will be educated to learn how to live as equals and how to live as physical being on a physical planet in accordance and taking into consideration ALL living beings as equals and having same rights to LIVE as them.

      Understand that this system will be a completely new system, that will equalize everything. So once and for all we can start to live and we can have true FREE-Choice, because free choice is only real when everyone is FREE to have a choice. Right now in this current system it is not so. There is only a blind believe in peoples minds that they have free choice, but it is only a choice rooted in and for those who have money in this world. Only when you have money in this world you have the apparent free choice, which in essence is not real at all, because then you are dependent on money to have a choice and thus you are not free, simple common sense.

      So please do investigate what we are saying before going into assumptions and comparisons in your mind and also having the fear that was imbedded towards and against communism in the past, that fear is also still existent in men today, and the moment they hear anyone say something about EQUALITY, they immediately see it as communism without any further investigation to really see and understand what we are standing for as a group. As a group we are standing for that which is best for ALL, all of life.......meaning all that is HERE, all expressions of LIFE. But we must start with ourselves first and put the veils of deception that has been put in front of our own eyes so we can see what we are doing to each other and also how we live with each other, that if we do not stop ourselves we will destroy ourselves, We MUST stop ourselves, and it is possible. Let no-one tell you that men inherent nature can't be change because this is a lie, that has been told and is widely accepted and allowed in the world today as for all to abdicate their responsibility and stand for life. Our so called: ''human nature'' is fabricated. not real...!!!

      You know what is sad...??? I am the only person right now in this organization that is from one of these Dutch colonial islands, no-one else....??? And you know what that means that my people are very much brainwashed, that they can't even see that they are living in their minds....the place where we are in separation, and forget about their human physical body.......the universe where we are one and equals....there is where we need to go, to our human physical body, it is our answer to what LIFE is. If you are looking in your mind, you will never find life, you will always be diverted to something outside of you, outside of SELF instead of being one and equal with and as self.

      I was born on this island Bonaire, but i am not brainwashed as they say: mind control or money control to see and believe myself to be a Bonairean, because i already realize that this implies that i am accepting and allowing separation within me and my world as a whole, i would rather see myself as EARTHLING, Born on that particular island, but that won't make me more or less it is just a peace of dry land where i happened to be born on and into, that's it. And this is accountable for everyone else born elsewhere. All that nationality stupidity dies in that moment and fear of others to. Nationalities support separation and not life, don't forget it, this is obvious common sense. And remember common sense and making sense is not the same, don't make that mistake, because allot of people don't know the difference. Making sense is when you use your mind, your using logic and reason based on past experiences of knowledge and information to weight what is being said or written. And Common sense is what is being seen in one moment without any need of memories or knowledge or information, it is clear and sound.

      So hope you investigate the equal money site and also the other site which is :

      The message is that there is one principle that guides the Universe in all ways--Equality and Oneness. This principle is to be understood if humanity is to step beyond the demise and destruction of CONsciousness.
  • Bonaire En de Dollar
    14 hours ago
    Bonaire En de Dollar
    • Hi I did NOT receive your earlier message. I'm going to read this interesting letter of yours and there will be a comment soon.
  • Larry Alexander Manuela
    • o.k. no problem
  • Bonaire En de Dollar
    11 hours ago
    Bonaire En de Dollar
    • Bondia of bonochi.

      I don't know again if you have received my message i sent you before..??
      Like I sad earlier I did not receive your earlier message. Was it a PM?
      But i can assure you that equal money system is not like communism and we may have some very few principles that look like that within this system, but when it comes to HOW we are going to implement this system into this world, is not going to go through revolution as it was always with the communistic peoples.
      Afther I've send you my first respons I did look into the article / link more severe and saw that It was not LIKE communisme.
      We already know that the world is going to go through very difficult times ahead, and that allot of people all over the planet are going to be very poor and we present them with this world solution, what do you think they are going to vote for...??
      I really can not answer that question. I only can tell you that I would do. I would NOT chose your solution. I'm pretty sure your system won't work, for the simple fact that the current system does not work like you said earlier. But what system did ever work? We do not live in a UTOPICAL / PERFECT world.
      We are right now studying every field in this system and exposing it to all to show them that none are working,thus on all levels, everywhere there is abuse on life, and when the time comes those who are going to defend this system of abuse as it exist right now will have nothing to defend themselves with because we will be covering all grounds on all fields, all the major and top positions that are right now been used to protect the system as it is right now. They just can't defend it no matter how hard they try, and we will be ready to debate with them on all levels. The equal money system value will be based on LIFE itself and each human being on this earth will be given a certain amount of money from the moment of conception and the amount of this money will be enough for each to use for the basic needs of any human being, which are: food, shelter, clothing and healthcare.
      Are you going to start in GREECE, then your money won't be enough for the rest of the world.
      Education will be free, and each will be educated to learn how to live as equals and how to live as physical being on a physical planet in accordance and taking into consideration ALL living beings as equals and having same rights to LIVE as them.
      Once again your SYSTEM only works if all people will join. I'm one off them who won't and there will me many others. And we will fight against your system and not with words alone.
      Understand that this system will be a completely new system, that will equalize everything. So once and for all we can start to live and we can have true FREE-Choice, because free choice is only real when everyone is FREE to have a choice. Right now in this current system it is not so. There is only a blind believe in peoples minds that they have free choice, but it is only a choice rooted in and for those who have money in this world. Only when you have money in this world you have the apparent free choice, which in essence is not real at all, because then you are dependent on money to have a choice and thus you are not free, simple common sense.
      It is true what you're saying. We are slaves of the commun money system. BUT I can choose right now the amount / the degrees of HOWFAR I want to be a slave. And as far as I can see I won't be having that liberty in the LIFE-based system. I DO not like that. I'm a looner an Asperger....and for me this system would not work. I accept that not all people are alike and want to be alike.
      So please do investigate what we are saying before going into assumptions and comparisons in your mind and also having the fear that was imbedded towards and against communism in the past,
      I'm not afraid of COMMUNISME. I prefair communism above the moneysystem. I allways mistrusted the só called AMERICAN dream.
      that fear is also still existent in men today,
      YES In the AMERICAN men maybe like they are afraid of the ISLAM now adays. It's their OWN fault because they BUTT in to others affairs.
      and the moment they hear anyone say something about EQUALITY, they immediately see it as communism without any further investigation to really see and understand what we are standing for as a group. As a group we are standing for that which is best for ALL, all of life.......meaning all that is HERE, all expressions of LIFE. But we must start with ourselves first and put the veils of deception that has been put in front of our own eyes so we can see what we are doing to each other and also how we live with each other, that if we do not stop ourselves we will destroy ourselves, We MUST stop ourselves, and it is possible. Let no-one tell you that men inherent nature can't be change because this is a lie, that has been told and is widely accepted and allowed in the world today as for all to abdicate their responsibility and stand for life. Our so called: ''human nature'' is fabricated. not real...!!!
      Could be... But it does not intrest me because I'm an Asperger.
      ==ha ha
      You know what is sad...??? I am the only person right now in this organization that is from one of these Dutch colonial islands, no-one else....??? And you know what that means that my people are very much brainwashed, that they can't even see that they are living in their minds....the place where we are in separation, and forget about their human physical body.......the universe where we are one and equals....there is where we need to go, to our human physical body, it is our answer to what LIFE is. If you are looking in your mind, you will never find life, you will always be diverted to something outside of you, outside of SELF instead of being one and equal with and as self.
      Yes I heard you loud and clear. I think that there are more Bonairians who also believe in the LIFE-based system. And you're right they are indoctrinated by the KATHOLIC church. Or simply can not comprehend what we are talking about because they lack schooling or are the product of INCEST.
      I was born on this island Bonaire, but i am not brainwashed as they say: mind control or money control to see and believe myself to be a Bonairean, because i already realize that this implies that i am accepting and allowing separation within me and my world as a whole, i would rather see myself as EARTHLING, Born on that particular island, but that won't make me more or less it is just a peace of dry land where i happened to be born on and into, that's it.
      That's a very good standpoint to take in live. See your self as an earthling. To avoid RACIST reactions I myself tell people that I'm from PLANET EARTH if they ask me where I'm from. Because what they are really asking is, on witch side are you standing in the conflict between HOLLAND and BONAIRE. Holland is RECOLONISING Bonaire and that's not OK with me. No one should suppres no one. That's why I'm giving those who want to FIGHT for what they believe is THERE FREEDOM a helping hand. And uptill know we made some babysteps forward.
      And this is accountable for everyone else born elsewhere. All that nationality stupidity dies in that moment and fear of others to. Nationalities support separation and not life, don't forget it, this is obvious common sense. And remember common sense and making sense is not the same, don't make that mistake, because allot of people don't know the difference. Making sense is when you use your mind, your using logic and reason based on past experiences of knowledge and information to weight what is being said or written. And Common sense is what is being seen in one moment without any need of memories or knowledge or information, it is clear and sound.
      I do see the difference. Ones again what YOU want is not what everybody wants and that is COMMON SENS and MAKING SENSE in one. Like the shampoo and conditioner in one. Buy one get two.
      So hope you investigate the equal money site and also the other site which is
  • Larry Alexander Manuela
    • O.k. i can see and understand your remarks.

      I am not talking about believes, what i wrote you is not my opinion nor believe, i see what is going on in this world with physical beings, the suffering, and real pain happen in the physical. Understand that things are going to get worse, because people don't want to listen, just like you're saying right now, that you will not be on the side of life, and i understand you, because you don't understand what oneness and equality means, and what it means to LIVE it, practically, actually. So because of people that don't know this we are going to continue downwards till we reach a moment where things will get much much more difficult and the suffering much more painful, just because we wanted our ego's to win.

      The world solution we are suggesting is the equal money system.
      The ego solution is our desteni i process, where one learns how to stop your thoughts, emotions and feelings, those things that most people BELIEVE are real, and this course is important for us to STOP ourselves in participating in our minds, instead of being HERE one and equal with and as the physical breath.

      The tools we use are:

      Writing yourself to freedom
      Self-corrective application

      So those are the tools we use to correct ourselves so we LIVE the message of Jesus for real, you know: ''love thy neighbor as thyself'' .....don't to on to another what you don't like them do on to you'' ..........''give so you may receive'' .......these are all life principles that are to be lived. Not something to BELIEVE as more Christians do, that is all they do, just believe and within that thinking and believing that they will be saved by Jesus or whatever, but no Jesus is going to come to save no-one. We have to create the world we want to live in.

      And we are right now not going to participate in politics, it will happen in about 10 years from now and in 20 years from now, give and take, the system we are suggesting that you don't want to be part of is going to be here as the system humanity will use, till we become all responsible human beings and we don't need systems anymore. But we must take baby-steps.

      As physical beings we all require some physical needs, and those needs are not provided equally for all human beings in this current system, and that is what we want to take away, that fear based system, fear of survival, and you will see, that when you take the fear away, how people will work together, and also you will be yourself, and be really free, not controlled by anything or anyone.

      Equality is not about we all doing the same thing and all that stuff that you believe right now that we mean, this is not what we are talking about. We are talking about equal opportunities, equal living conditions, equal happiness, equal liberty, equal care........etc etc........and within all this you are yourself, you will continue being an individual, but one who always does what is BEST for ALL, in all ways...always.

      What we are saying is very difficult for most people to get if they are extensively brainwashed. What we are suggesting here is what we as humanity have to live, for it to be real, it is not something one believes and magically it will happen one day.

      And there is no-one else or group of people in this world then ours that is standing up for LIFE...and remember this is not a believe. It is something you have to live.

      That is why we are writing blogs and doing vlogs. To bring the message of oneness and equality to the world. And within our blogs and vlogs we expose ourselves and the system. And we don't do with nicely, because there is nothing nice in what humanity is doing, it is a complete mess, it is time to be direct and go to the core of the problem, the root of the problem, and that is ''money'' in this world, money based on DEBT. Where every person born in this world is born in DEBT, have a DEBT they have to pay. So we say, we GIVE to each form the moment they are born till the day they die that which is used as a tool for that individual to have a decent life in this world.

      So please do investigate what we are saying, and i know it will be difficult at first because what we have to say goes against EVERYTHING you know, because everything you know was a lie.

      And most people they don't want to hear that, and investigate further, their ego's are to big, but no problem because life will become much much more difficult for each till they come to the point where they WILL learn how to forgive, and how to live with each other without harming and killing each other.

      I can say much more things here, but it is better if you would check out the website out for yourself and i will suggest before you read or listen to the videos that are being placed on the website to read the FAQ first, so you can have a better starting point of what the heck it is we are talking about. Because it is a lot to read and listen to, it is not something that you can do that easily, and it is difficult to when you are coming from a point of view of believes. We deal with actual real, tangible physical solutions, we don't dream about them we live it.

      this is the website again:

      And we are not hate base people we don't fight, we have had enough of this stupidity in this world already and as you can see all are blind to believe and think that WAR is going to solve anything, it never did and it never will. For the upper elite....for them WAR has worked always but things have changed and they don't know it yet.


      Larry Manuela.

      The message is that there is one principle that guides the Universe in all ways--Equality and Oneness. This principle is to be understood if humanity is to step beyond the demise and destruction of CONsciousness.
  • Larry Alexander Manuela
    about an hour ago
    Larry Alexander Manuela
    • oohhh yes and one more thing, half of the world population is now in poverty and due to the system collapsing this number will increase and the people that are now in governments all over the world will not be able to fix any problem,and by the time we position ourselves in the political arena, those who are in poverty will hear our message very clearly and have already gone to a lot of suffering and abuse done to them, so we will use democratic voting system: ''one man, one vote'' and guess those who are against this equal money system will be in the minority and in a democratic system the majority decides.

      So one more time, things are going to become much more worse for everyone all over the world and lots and lots of people are going to loose all or most of the things they value, and will with each passing day have less and less trust in the system and the one's in power in the system, your politicians and you name it.

      So the elite in this world whom don't want to loose what they have are going to be against an equal money system solution, and they will be in the minority.

      Revolutions in this world that you are seeing going on all over the world won't change anything, because none of them have viable solutions to the world problems, because it is not anymore about just where you live alone, it is about humanity as a whole. So the moment you go in the streets and protest and all that stupidity, because you want things to be the way they were or better, you are being selfish and not considering at all, how it is you are living, how things you are using to have your so-called: ''nice life'' is coming from and how other people in other countries are working their asses of for you in a so-called: ''rich country'' to have you pursuit of happiness. And this is not being understood at all by all those people who are protesting, and are wanting revolution, and as you may already know, revolution has never solved any problem, if it did we would have not been in this mess right now word wide. So revolution is not the way to go at all.

      Those people who are revolting did not learn anything from their own history, that revolution is not going to work and that in revolutions people get killed. Much to learn..

      You will see in this world that a lot of nations and countries, where people are going to revolt, but nothing would change, as a matter of fact things will get worst. Because this is exactly what the powers that be are waiting for, so they can use the behaviors of those who are revolting and control more and more, and till we reach a point where we will go to WAR with each other as stupid as always. The upper elite they want WAR, because war is what in their view is going to solve the problem, reduce the human population and continue with a more powerful control system, of debt. None of those people who go to the streets and revolt,and protest have any solution whatsoever, they are all just screaming and yelling that they want someone to fix the problem or make the things the way they were before, but this will not happen. Because none of the politicians has any clue of what is going on and even when they do, they are afraid to loose their comfortable way of living and thus will not go against those who are paying them, the bankers and the owners of the bankers. They are fearful.

      If we go into politics right now, no-one will listen to us, and i mean those who have access to information and knowledge in this world. Because they are the abusers in this world, and they want to continue being that. Their good living is on the expense of others. Some don't know this, and when you say it to them, they don't like to hear it either, they want to continue acting as if they are so-called: ''good people''. None are good people....they are all abusers, all don't give a f**ck what happens to others as them in this world, so what happens and has been happening to others in this world will happen to all, so they can wake up and see that we are all HERE on one earth and on this one earth all that is HERE are all EXPRESSIONS of life. And all those expressions have the same right to life. none are more or less then another. This is oneness and equality.

      example humans believe that they are more then: animals, plants, bugs and you name it......when in REALITY we are all equals, we are all physical expressions of life on this planet we call earth, and all have the same rights to life. And this simple thing is very difficult for the human as right now to understand.


      Larry Manuela.
  • Larry Alexander Manuela
    about an hour ago
    Larry Alexander Manuela
    • and another thing, in a life based system, an equality system, you will not be a slave at all. And this is not a promise, because equality implies just that, that if one expression of life is in liberty to express his/her life in accordance and taking consideration of all life, and live a life of giving, all will be receiving the same value, which is life itself and the expression thereof. so i give to you what i would have liked for myself and so do you and so does everybody else, and that is equality.

So as you guys can see that it is very difficult for some people especially when they are brainwashed to understand what we are talking about, and what it means to live as one as equals.

If he/she replies back i will put it here, and if he still does not understand, then i will leave to that, i can't help any further, because he/she won't hear me now.


Larry Manuela

The rest of the conversation.

  • Bonaire En de Dollar
  • Larry Alexander Manuela
    • I understand what you mean, and this is exactly what i mean about the mind, it is a are now accepting and allowing yourself to be an asperger. All these are mind consciousness system structures that can be dealt with and deleted using self-forgiveness self-honesty and self corrective action within breath.

      And understand as asperger or not you need to; eat, drink, shit, pee, have a home to live in, you need clothing etc etc, like alllllll none asperger humans, in an equal money system none and i literally mean none are left behind or overlooked, or not considered.

      i have to links for you here for you to see how easy it is to understand how we live in our mind bubbles, and accepting and allowing everyone to live in their little mind bubbles that has nothing to do with reality.

      Watch both of them carefully and if any reaction happen within you in the form of thoughts, emotions or feelings, you know like judgments etc is time to do self-forgiveness on all of them.
      The Mathematics of Stickmen Part 1 ----- sharing by Bernard Poolman on 20 JULY 2010 The copyright of this video is directly reserved by Desteni group. See li...
  • Bonaire En de Dollar
    • You say you underdstand but you don't. I'm born with it. It's not a state of mind. It's who I am. It's a defect. If I stay too long around people I get really sick.
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  • Larry Alexander Manuela
    • I don't know if you got me right, what i mean is this.

      Is your defect a physical one or is it something that happens in your mind, that makes you not wanna be around people/....??

      If it is not physical it is a mind delusion, that you and the scientists call a ''defect''........can you see this...??
  • Larry Alexander Manuela
    • the scientists are like anyone else as delusional as everyone else, they are designed within the mind to be scientists, everything in this world that is of the human is a design of the mind consciousness system. We are systems living, sucking the life out of the physical that is real. We are like
  • Bonaire En de Dollar
    • Well whatever and who-ever called my STATE of being DEFECT or BEING DIFFERENT I don't mind if he/she/me is or was DELUSIONAL / BRAINWASHED / BRAINDEATH / LIFEBASED-IDEALIST.... I'm FEELING not AN allien anymore on this earth KNOWING that their are 20% of the population with the same PROBLEMS / DIFFICULTIES like I have.
  • Larry Alexander Manuela
    • and if you make yourself believe that you don't have feelings and emotions, think twice, because if you are being uncomfortable around people as you say, you must ask yourself the question: ''where does this uncomfortable ''feelings'' come from. is it energetic...??? or is it like something physical, like being cripple and stuff like that, that are physical in nature, if it is energetic in anyways whatsoever it is the mind in work.

      Emotions are negative energized thoughts.
      feelings are positive energized thoughts.

      So on this alone if you can use your own common sense, you can not state that you are not emotional and don't have feelings and that you ''feel'' like an alien on this earth, by the very fact that you are being uncomfortable around other human beings. this thing comfortable or uncomfortable is an see this...??

      And if there is any feeling inside you or thoughts that make you believe that i am attacking you in any way, don't follow them because i am not, i am just using common sense here with you so you can see for yourself maybe that what you believe that you have and also those 20% of the population believe they have is all of the mind consciousness system, not real. that is all.
  • Bonaire En de Dollar
    • It's not an emotion or a feeling. We get UPSET if something changes around us. NO CHANGE at all IS PERFECT. So PEOPLE = CHANGE and CHANGE gets me upset --.> takes too much ENERGY soo much ENERGY that I get ILL. Also do I absorb all the NEGATIVE ENERGY that someone has. Some-times I can name it sometimes the PUZZLE will be compleet afther a few days. So YES I do avoid people as much as I can. DON't like to TALK with people on the PHONE because at the tone, tremble of their voice I get all their negative ENERGY. E-mail gives me enough distance to cope with the DRAINAGE. THANK MAN KIND for e-mail, SMS. So for me LIVE was, is and allways will be a HELL. It can't get worse.......
  • Larry Alexander Manuela
    • That is exactly what i am saying........the word ''upset'' is derivative of an emotion. so is ''energy'' being negative or positive doesn't matter. And if you have watched the stickmen video full you would see that when you are saying: ''Also do I absorb all the NEGATIVE ENERGY that someone has.'' This is your making yourself believe that, that is possible, that you can ''absorb'' someone else energy into you. And this is what we are saying that is delusional of the human, and we are all like this, i am no different then anyone else on this earth. there is only one different and that is i can see it now for myself and delete the

      So that was the whole conversation with this person.

      Thank you.

      Larry Manuela.

Thursday 15 September 2011

Self-forgiveness on ALCOHOL.

With these self-forgiveness statements here, that i am putting are to get rid of the past thoughts, feelings and emotions that i used to have with alcohol. I don't drink anymore for years. But because i never did self-forgiveness on them i am doing it now, to be clear.

Self-forgiveness on being drunk with alcohol.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to get drunk, drinking alcohol.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have thoughts in relation to drinking alcohol.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that i need alcohol
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that drinking alcohol will make me feel happy and make me have more courage to do the things i normally will not do.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe/think that a substance as in alcohol can change the way i experience myself.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have thoughts that will ignite the feeling of wanting to drink alcohol.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to participate into thoughts, as memories that hold the experience of me having a good time when drinking alcohol or being under the influence of alcohol.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to let an outside source( alcohol) to have influence on me.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to connect alcohol with ''having fun''
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to let alcohol create a energetic charge within me.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that a drink with certain percentage of alcohol within it can get me drunk much faster.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to relate picking up girls to have a lot to do with drinking alcohol.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that certain music can generate the feeling within me to start drinking alcohol.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing certain places to ignite a certain feeling within me that makes me want to drink alcohol.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that by each event/entertainment is a great chance and opportunity to drink alcohol.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to feel free and can do whatever i want when i am under the influence of alcohol.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be around people who drink alcohol and see them as ''cool'' people.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe myself to be ''cool'' just because i am under the influence of alcohol.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that when there is a party, if there is no alcohol in that party,the party is boring.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that without drinking alcohol when i go out, i will not be a free participant in having a good time.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that when i am under the influence of alcohol i drive better then when i am not under the influence of alcohol.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that when i am drunk i can have sex for a longer period of time and don't have an early ejaculation.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to drink alcohol and use it as a way to have better sex.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to use alcohol before sex.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that when i use alcohol and i cum, i cum much more.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe all the believes about drinking alcohol.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that coming home from a hard working day, is a perfect time to have a little bit of alcohol in my system.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to deceive myself into believing that alcohol is a great way to have fun.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that i can come-up with great pick-up lines when i am under the influence of alcohol.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that i am a greater dancer when i am under the influence of alcohol.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to get drunker and drunker till i am almost at a point of passing out.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to throw-up when i had to much of alcohol within my system.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be funny when i am under the influence of alcohol.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to make fun of others that drink when they are trying to be funny under the influence of alcohol.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that my dick get's harder because it get's much more blood flow, because i am drunk.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that when i sleep under the influence of alcohol i am sleeping soundly.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to feel much better in the company of people who are also drinking alcohol.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to look at people who does not drink alcohol, as not being ''cool''
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to find it fascinating to pee when i am drunk, because i can than pee  for sometimes 3 to 4 minutes long without
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to drink alcohol when it is new years eve.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to start always with strong alcoholic drinks and then cool it down after a while with beer.
I forgive myself  for accepting and allowing myself to believe that i could control myself when i was drunk.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to define myself as cooler and more easy going when under the influence of alcohol.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to see the need to have alcohol in the house.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that without alcohol in the house i do not have the ''good stuff'' to drink at home.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that when i have money to buy alcohol, i have a better presentation for the ladies and in so doing i can score much faster, just because i have the money to buy alcohol, and they can drink on me.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be more communicative when i am under the influence of alcohol.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to accept and allow alcohol to be an influential substance in this world.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to let myself be influenced by alcohol.


Larry Manuela.

Saturday 27 August 2011

Defending separation.

Hi, i was looking at this particular point and saw that this is a major point in society as humanity.

All we ever defend is only our separation, nothing more and nothing less. And we, most of the times use words like: ''protection'' and ''private'' and ''secret'' for doing that, but it is just basically you defending your separation.

The moment you are participating in for example saying and truly believing that you are a Dutchmen, you are participating and allowing yourself to define yourself as separate of the very thing you are saying and believing you are. Now as you are believing that you are this Dutchmen it has it's consequences, because now the Dutchmen is not the American nor is it the Hindu or whatever, you brought a complete separation within your reality, your world when all this stupidity is not even necessary. We are all as human beings living here on ONE earth with some areas where there is dry land and now you have some stupid people who took these lands( by force) as if it is theirs and give it a name and start believing it is their land and give themselves names in relation to the name they gave the land, and everybody else who is not so-called born there after a period of time will be considered as outcasts. When the reality dictates that none are owners of that particular land at all, because the land was before any human. So who the heck is the human to come and rub a piece of land and than call it his land..??

Than we have this whole religion bullshit going on.

Apart of the major 4 religions and their little sprouts all over the place, none of these will ever come together and see that each participator is from the earth, this one earth, this one planet the only place you can be HUMAN and allot of other physical expressions that we may not even see with our physical eyes. But what do they do instead, they fight........endlessly...!!!  And the fight is about the interpretation of what they believe a book is telling them and also there is this fight between them in believing that the older the book the more trusted or the younger the book the more trusted....???   i mean WTF....!!!
So the whole fighting is about who is right in interpreting the
And meanwhile life is here as them as the human physical body which is of/as the earth, but none of them can see it, that we are equal and one in/as this.

Now we move to our dear ''traditions''

There are allot of people taking very serious their traditions, the things they used to do as a community in the past and are doing everything possible to maintain this, in order for it not to die as they die. So they imprint this on their children to continue with the traditions. Now if there were, and there are some traditions that can be implemented to suit the whole of humanity, who has some real value i can understand this then, but to go out of your way defending some stupid tradition, injecting sometimes large amounts of money in it,just to preserve it, is utterly stupid and totally absent of common sense.

Now we move to our next delusion which is Culture.

There is allot of talks going on around this topic or point these days, because of all the problems we are facing with different cultures mixing and not mixing in our human society. Now understand that everything where groups of people come together and at least are in agreement with one or the other idea based on believes carried by words is a form of culture. It can be your country, your specific work, your hobby' name it, all of that. and in all this you will have people trying to defend their particular culture they so-called belong to, but there is one culture that all of them seem to be blind of and deaf of, and that is the culture that is called: ''HUMANITY.'' None of the participants in all the little cultures all over the place will come and defend this culture like they do with their particular little culture where they believe themselves to so much ''belong to.''

Then we move to the one thing that is also a problem, a major problem in this world, and that is: ''politics''

We have allot of politicians now on this planet all over the place and all seem to use those nice and beautiful big words, but are all empty words really, because none is coming together and facing the reality that we have created here together and change it together as a whole. The very fact that one can choose between allot of politicians that belong to a particular party is already saying more than enough, that these people who are claiming to have your best interest at heart is not really a truth, because if it was so they should be working together and not against each other trying to fight or cancel or dismiss each others ideas, just because the other one belongs to the other party, showing to the society with living application how it is to live in inequality every fucking day that goes by. A waste of time really if you ask me...!! And society is so blind that they can't see the separation these people belonging to different parties are busy defending.

Now we move to the other delusion we call: ''family''

Now this one is a tough one, because it is very emotionally defended.
The moment you are doing whatever it takes to take care of your so-called: ''family'' you are excluding the rest that is also your family in flesh and blood, made of the same substance that is of and as the earth. This family design must come to a point of total renovation and total change, because as it is right now it is also one of the roots of all separation in this world, the group where every individual get educated or more literally where all get brainwashed to live separation and never to live as one and equals. Our system due to this, does not reflect our oneness and equality of beings of/as the earth at all.

And then to the last point i am addressing within this blog, which is: ''language''

There is so much importance within this language topic that people are fighting each other because of the great separation that exist within this destructive construct, that is purely based in utter confusion.

Because of our language barriers we seem to care less and less for each other and because of not being able to understand each other and also for accepting and allowing it as more or less important to one or the other, meaning; when one see one's language as of more importance than another language when in fact all are just the fabric of confusion so we can have some justification as to hate one another or discard one another for being stupid or not of importance and also to keep on carrying with being careless fuckers.


Larry Manuela