Sunday 15 May 2011

Self-honesty versus Honesty

Self-honesty & honesty.

Self-honesty is when you can see directly in this world towards yourself and others what those things are that you will accept and allow and what those things are that you will not accept and allow in your world nor the world of others as you, so in doing this, taking your self-responsibility towards yourself and others within the principle of what is best for all, because what is best for all is also best for you.

Honesty would be to see and look at things that are acceptable and unacceptable, allowed or not allowed within the confines of your immediate environment, your culture, your family, your friends, your culture, your religion, your needs, your desires, all shaped in a form of you fitting in and adhering to the ‘’norms’’ of those that has gone before you. It is honesty based on what the system dictates to put it more shortly.

Let me give some examples of self-honesty.

·        There is war going on in this world, all over the place, and we all do not  want war to happen to us, nor the one’s we so-called love, so what we do is we do not participate nor support war in no ways whatsoever, instead we expose the atrocities of this abuse.

·        There is poverty in this world, and we don’t want that to happen to us nor to our family, so we do the same thing we expose them and do whatever is necessary to be done in order to STOP this poverty in this world, without using any violence.

·        There is immense separation in this world due to religion, spirituality, politics, geographical placement, identity, culture, language, economy, and so on and on…….

Now I can continue making this list allot longer.

The fact of the matter is that, these things are all the things that we all can see immediately in common sense that we will not accept them in our lives, these are the things we see directly, you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to see them. So when you see these things and you act accordingly within the principle of what is best for all, you are then being self-honest.

Some point as in honesty.

·        There is war, you do not want war, but if there is war, you will kill another to defend your country, your family, your religion, your culture, your neighborhood, you name it……..because within the system of this world it is o.k. when the war is fought protecting your own family or your country or whatever.

·        There are people starving in this world and you know you don’t want this for yourself nor for your family nor for  your fellow countrymen, and will do anything to protect them so they don’t have to go through this, but yet will not do anything for the starvation itself to stop completely for everyone. Within the system this act is an act of honesty, because there is a saying: ‘’you have to take care of your own first, because if you don’t no-one else will’’ This is half true, the only thing would be your starting point, is it principle based or self- interest based, are you acting from the principle perspective of what is best for all, or just what is best for me, and those close to me..??

·        There is a monetary system that is built on debt, putting everyone in debt. Now you just go to work do what you have to do to survive within the system and you don’t question it, and you don’t expose it, because you know that there are consequences to be faced if you do so, so you don’t. You just carry on. Within this action taken you are being honest within the system abiding to the rules of the system, conforming to it when you know already what will happen if you don’t, and you know it is not fair, so you accept it and allow it to continue, just because of you fearing your ass being burnt, and as long as your ass is not burnt for the time being, you won’t ask questions, you won’t do nothing to stop this system that is abusive towards you and everyone else, it is only in the interest of a few  people who are at the top and who are calling the shots. Within your honest work you’re doing you’re supporting in reality a system that is abusive to life. That does not honor life and is destroying life.

So self-honesty is always when one takes the correct action and the correct action taken is always within the principle of what is best for all, because what is best for all is best for me.

Honesty is always when one takes the action from a point of view of fitting in, compromising, conditioning, self-interest, to only what is best for self alone without the consideration of the rest, the rest is out of the equation. In other words the action is an action based on what the system dictates.


Larry Manuela

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