Sunday 8 January 2012

New Self-forgiveness

I forgive myself for i have accepted and allowed myself to not accept and allow the systems within me as me, as part of me as me.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to separate myself from my mind as my mind is part of me as me as self.
I forgive myself that have accepted and allowed myself to see and understand the systems within me as systems that need to be removed, instead of standing equal and one with them as me, as all being part as me.
I forgive myself for i have accepted and allowed myself to deceive myself that i can get rid of the systems within me and then become life as self, when the systems within me are also me.
I forgive myself for i have accepted and allowed myself to treat the systems within me as not part of me, but as parts of me that needs to be removed,because they are just systems and not life.
I forgive myself for i have accepted and allowed myself to be blind and not see and understand that in oneness and equality that ALL is me,is part of SELF.
I forgive myself that i haven't allowed myself to see and understand that even the systems within me are all me, and that all that i create is always me, no matter what it is, and how big or how small it is.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not stand one and equal to the systems within me as me,as self.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to see the systems of my own creation within as separate from me and not as parts of me as me as self. 
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not embrace all that is me as the systems that are also me as me as self.
I forgive myself that i have allowed myself to separate myself to all that is part of me as me.
I forgive myself that i haven't accepted and allowed myself to see the systems as a BEING as part of me, instead treated and wanting to delete them as systems and in so doing deleting parts of me that are me.
I forgive myself for i have accepted and allowed myself to not embrace my emotions as beings as part of me.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to not embrace my feelings as beings as part of me.
I forgive myself for i have accepted and allowed myself to not embrace mind as a being within and as myself, as part of me as self.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to act in self-interest and leave parts of me as me that i saw as systems and not as beings as part of me.
I forgive myself for i have accepted and allowed myself that i didn't see that i was not applying my equality equation effectively to suit what is best for all.
I forgive myself for i have accepted and allowed myself within my separation to the systems within me and in this way create friction/conflict with parts of me as me as systems as beings.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to see the systems within me as only systems and not as BEINGS.
I forgive myself for i have accepted and allowed myself to see my mind consciousness system as just a system and not as a being as part of self as part of me as me as self.
I forgive myself that i have allowed myself to NOT understand Marduk clearly when he was talking about the systems that he created to be him, and that he could understand himself better through the systems and symbols he created that were part of him as him.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not bring all the parts of me as the mind consciousness system as me as life HERE and become one equal to all that is me as all that is me that i have created as me.
I forgive myself that i haven't allowed myself to take myself responsibility to stand as one as equal to all that is me as me, and embrace and become real individual as all the parts within the individual parts that form the specific individuality as any given expression, which is on and in itself are all parts of a totality, a wholeness, oneness and equality.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed my  negligence parts of me as mind consciousness systems and see it as a part of me that i am more then it, when in reality in oneness and equality it is all me as me as self.
I forgive myself that i have allowed myself that to not take my responsibilities to stand as one and equal to ALL that is part of me as me, and in so doing manifested a total mess, because i am not one and equal with all the parts of me as me.
I forgive myself for i have accepted and allowed myself to become a being in disagreement with all the parts that form everything that is me.

I walk as one as equal from now on as ALL that i am equal and one to all that i am, to all the parts that i am, as EGO, Emotions, Feelings, mind consciousness system,thoughts all as beings within as me as all parts of and as SELF.


Larry Manuela

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