Friday 1 April 2011

another day as usual.....

At work today i was looking at the colleagues how all of them behave and also at their body language.

some were sitting outside and were smoking, and one can tell by the way they hold the cigarette and the way they talk to each other, how safe they believe they are just because they have steady jobs and have money coming in at the end of every month.

These kind of body languages are working on my nerves sometimes, because it shows clearly the attitude of;' i don't care i am safe anyways.'
And i just can't stand the way they are all being false, meaning they are all pretending to be nice, greeting each other, ask about the kids or give some compliments, but all that is just false, it is a lie.
Some are working their asses of just because they want to get in, they want the boss to like them and just maybe give them a chance to also become steady workers for the factory, so they will always give extra energy as is being said, just to be liked so they can get in. And those whom are striving to go higher, maybe reach a status of someone who call the shots, are always walking around and telling everyone how they should do this or that, when they themselves are not that good at doing it themselves, they are just trying to make those who are calling the shots to notice them and say: '' hmmm.........i think this one has some supervisor ability. And what i have noticed on the work-floor is also that, those who are supervisors are most of the time the one's who can care less, it only looks like they care when it is related to what can make some profit for the factory, and in this if you are good they will push you somewhere so the boss can make more money and because they are the one who pushed you in, they get promotion. It is all an act  at work, all just pure act, the only thing that they really care about is the money they have to get at the end of the month. And the second thing they care about at work is trying to make sure the boss is happy with them, because loosing their jobs is something they can't afford to live without.

So all in all the managers, supervisors and all who are on the higher wages, they will look nice and act nice to you only when they can see that you are making the factory they work for profit, and when you make a mistake they always talk about how much money that mistake costs them. But they will never talk about the profit you make for them, they will only say to you, that you are a good worker.

And the rest that are on lower wages within the factory and are working their through a third party are the one's who would love to go higher, to reach a point where they to could either get a steady job, or get to a higher income. And for this you will see jealousy, anger, frustration and allot of aggressiveness, due to the fear of getting send home, because this would mean; difficult times surviving and allot of financial difficulty.

In an equal money system these things will not exist, these kind of behaviors will not exist, because first of all the company will not be producing goods and services with the aim for making money, but because the product is truly needed in this world.

The factory workers will be those who really do this work because they give to their fellow men.
And in this the work is no longer work but your expression.

Self-forgiveness statements:

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to judge others as me.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to look at peoples body language and in so doing let that have an effect in me as to make me think that their body language and for what it presents, work on my nerves.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to connect the thought;'' they work on my nerves'' to a judgement of attitude; which is: '' i don't care, i am safe anyways.''


Larry Manuela

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