Monday 24 January 2011

January 22, 2011

this day was a usual day, the only different thing was that i went to my sister's house because her husband had his birthday and they asked me to come by, so i did.
When i was there i got to talk on some points regarding the system as it is and also how we use words in some ways to get what we want instead of using them to within an agreement where have the best for all outcome for all life.

This day i could not get my mind of my girlfriend who told me she was going to come over but eventually did not.
She had to babysit. Now this girl is one of the friends i have that i really really like, she is just perfect, and she knows, because i tell her that most of the times. The kind of girl one can say is real when it comes to being real.

When i got home we were chatting on the internet and she told me that she was horny, and i by hearing this immediately got horny to. And i decide to make her more horny and told her a bunch of horny stuff, as i am good in these things, i would say; i am good in manipulating a woman into making her horny, i know this from myself, i have a lot of fantasy to tell about that topic and the way i tell it makes them very horny, so i use that tool  and get them horny with my words that i am sure travel into their minds where they will play out this fantasy on their own way, as i am telling the story. This is one of the things that i must stop doing because it is not what is best for all, because it concerns only me ans the girl, meaning we are working to get each other horny for the future encounter where we will play out this fantasy in real life,and it would not be something that would be what is best for all., because we are not in a agreement, i do talk to her about that though, maybe it can happen , i would love to be in an agreement with her for sure and walk this thing together. She knows a lot about what i am doing because i talk to her about it a lot, and she does see the common sense in all of it, but she is lets say a little bit lazy to go through all the material on the website herself, she views it like a lot of work and i always tell her what do you expect it to be something easy....???   lol
But i do keep her in check with what i am bust with and so see stays a little updated anyways even though she is not actively busy with it, maybe one day she will realize it and start on her own.

Now to the self-forgiveness applications.

1) I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to feel horny about my girlfriend that i like, pure on desires.
2) Io forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to manipulate others to get what i want even though that i like this girl for real, it is still me manipulating the whole thing.
3) I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself  for judging her and thinking and believing that she might be lazy in not reading the material of desteni.

I am not my manipulations of my mind consciousness systems, i am life and i am here.

Bye bye.....

Larry Manuela

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